Small Steps, Big Strides
Join us in taking small steps to reducing food waste that will add up to big strides for the environment – and help save time and money too!
Did you know that up to 10% of global greenhouse gases come from food that is produced but not eaten? The good news is, we can all do something about it. From little things, big things grow.
Every small action we take to reduce food waste helps to reduce emissions. There are many small things we can easily do at mealtimes to help tackle this problem. Not only do these actions add up to big gains for the environment, but they can also help save us time and money.
The month of April brings with it welcome public holidays and opportunities to catch up with friends and family – think Easter holiday feasts and Anzac Day barbecues. These are the perfect occasions to test out a few small changes that can make a big difference:
- Portion patrol – less is often best when it comes to family get-togethers, especially where there are lots of kids or older people who tend to eat less. Serve food in stages, so some stays fresh in the fridge until it is needed, and allow people to serve themselves to suit their own appetites.
- Luscious leftovers – don’t throw good food in the bin, save it for the next day’s lunch or freeze it for later. Leftover Bolognese sauce is great in pasta bakes and pie fillings. Turn extra vegetables into a frittata or add into a fried rice.
- Share the love, reduce the waste - if you’re hosting a feast, suggest that your guests bring a plastic container to take home any leftovers. Or you could finally use that stack of takeaway containers you’ve been collecting!
To wrap up the month April 26 marks ‘International Stop Food Waste Day’ – a good day to transform leftover Anzac biscuits that are going a little soft into a delicious choc caramel Anzac biscuit slice. Enjoy!
The LFHW team