hands holding asparagus above a chopping board with a roast meat sandwich on it

Leftover Magic

This month, we’re turning winter leftovers into wonderful new meals!

31 July 2023

As we near the end of winter, we can’t help but wonder…What’s going to happen to all those seasonal leftovers sitting sadly in the fridge?

Luckily, this month we’re sharing a range of recipe ideas to help you give these meals a second life.

Let’s start with the hero of winter dinners – roasts! Leftovers from roasts contain versatile ingredients that are begging to be reborn into new culinary creations.                                                      

Roasted veggies are full of flavour, so before you chuck out your leftovers, stop! You can transform them into divine winter soup instead. Blitz them in a blender, add a bit of stock, warm on the stove, and top it off with croutons or a dollop of cream. Voilà – you have a restaurant-worthy meal in minutes!

Leftover chicken, beef or pork? That’s easy – tuck it into fresh bread for tomorrow’s lunch!

What about leftover pasta, meat, and veggies? Get creative by turning them into a tasty casserole. Simply mix with a creamy sauce, sprinkle cheese on top and bake to perfection.

Finally, we can’t forget our juicy winter fruits! Create the perfect party punch using those sweet stars – apples, mandarins, oranges, lemons and all-year-round berries. Freeze, squeeze, blend, or juice them to craft endless fruity combinations everyone will love.

With these leftover magic tricks up your sleeve, you’ll savour the season one delicious transformation at a time.

How do you extend the life of your winter foods? Follow us on Instagram and Facebook and share your tips and culinary delights with our Love Food Hate Waste community.

The Love Food Hate Waste Team