Getting out and about?
Whether you're coming together in a backyard or a local park, yummy food is always involved. Learn how to love your food and save it from being wasted while you're out and about this month.
The mild weather is perfect for spending time outdoors with friends and family. With many of us taking time off work or school to have a much-needed break, this month we’re focussing on reducing food waste when out and about. Whether you're organising a picnic, camping trip or just lunch in the garden, simple actions such as meal planning, shopping to a list and getting creative with leftovers can have positive impacts on the environment and on your wallet.
Planning meals for outdoor activities a few days before ensures you will have all the ingredients you need for your meals on the day. No last-minute dash to the supermarket for you! Make a list of the grocery items and the quantities you need to keep everyone happy and satisfied and ask yourself, "can I use this up the next day in a sandwich or salad if there are any leftovers?".
Freeze water, juices or cordials in plastic bottles the night before your activity to keep your food cool and fresh in your backpack or esky. Plus, you get a bonus refreshing drink later in the day. Use frozen bread slices to make your sandwiches in the morning and by lunchtime, you'll have a nice fluffy sandwich to bite into. This is also a great way to use up that frozen loaf.
Before you leave, pack some containers in your bag that can be used to store leftovers. Share any leftover food amongst the group so everyone has something yummy to look forward to eating at home. The bits and bobs leftover on the charcuterie board can be easily diced up into a delicious pizza topping for the next day! Check out our pizza video recipe for inspiration.
It’s easy to fight food waste when out and about with a little bit of preparation. Before you know it, these food smart steps will become a habit and you'll be saving money, time and the environment every time you eat outdoors.
This month make sure to check out our Facebook and Instagram accounts to pick up some smart tips and food hacks to get you shopping smarter and eating better.
The LFHW team